崔彼得牧师编:给神学院道硕(M. Div)程度学生授课用的护教学书目
一般教科书与学生必读书Reasonable Faith, Christian Truth and Apologetics 3th edition 2008 by William Lane Craig 主要教科书Mere Apologetics, How to Help Seekers and Skepkics Find Faith by Alister E. McGrathChristian Apologetics by Norman L. Geisler, 2nd edition. 铁证待判(或者,《新铁证待判》) 必读基督教护教学,范泰尔著卫道学概论傅瑞姆 必读Christian Apologetics, An anthology of Primary Sources by Chad Meister,Khaldoun A.Sweis 经典著作奥古斯丁 论信望爱,上帝之城托马斯.阿奎纳 神学大全马丁路德 论意志的捆绑加尔文基督教要义Turrentin , Institutes of Elenctic Theology 图伦丁:论辩神学C.S.Lewis 返璞归真Francis Schaeffer 前车可鉴 导论:护教学的历史与类型The History of Apologetics A Biographical and Methodological Introduction. Zondervan (Author), Benjamin K. Forrest (Editor), Josh Chatraw (Editor),AlisterE. McGrath (Editor)Christian apologetics Past and Future vol 1,2 by William Edgar, K. Scott OliphintFive Views on Apologetics by Steven B. Cowan, Stanley N. Gundry.MapingApologetics, Comparing Contemporary Approaches.By Brien K. MorleyClassical Apologetics, A Rational Defence of The Christian Faith and A Critique of Prepositional ApologeticsBy R.C.Sprou, John Gerstner,Arthur Lindsley傅瑞姆:神学认识论普兰丁格 基督教信念的知识地位 专题有神论与科学牛津通识读本:无神论【英】朱立安.巴吉尼道金斯《上帝的错觉》David Eller: Natural AtheismAntony FlewThere Is A God.麦格拉斯科学与宗教引论Paul Copan & William Lane Craig (edited)Contending With Christianity’sCritics :Answering New Atheists & OtherObjectors.弗雷德.希伦 《来自太空的挑战》(Fred Heeren: Show Me God.)卡斯特罗上帝与天文学家保罗戴维斯 上帝与新物理学约拿单.威尔斯 进化论的圣像——科学还是神话詹腓力审判达尔文迈克尔.J.贝西 达尔文的黑匣子 圣经与基督的历史性圣经:冯秉诚 圣经的权威,麦道卫铁证待判Blomberg, Craig. The Historical Reliability of the Gospels. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1987. Classic modern defenseThe Historical Reliability of John. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2002. Major modern defense of the reliability of John.基督The Case for Christ: A Journalist's Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus L史特博 重审耶稣 代赎The Atonement by William Lane Craig复活The Son Rises Historical Evidence for the Resurrection of Jesus by William Lane CraigThe Resurrection of Jesus Apologetics, Polemics, History by Dale C. Allison Jr. 基督教与历史、文化与伦理罗素:我为什么不是一个基督徒 基督教与其他宗教目前手头无书基督教与儒教基督教与佛教基督教与伊斯兰教纳比.库雷希:在清真寺寻找,在十字架寻见基督教与犹太教Monotheism & Ethics: Historical and Contemporary Intersections Among Judaism, Christianity and Islam byY. Tzvi Langermann